What's new?

After a hard work I have formatted the FAQ1 and the FAQ2 in Html! Now you can browse through them with an easy "click and go" system. I hope to do the same for all the interviews.

Some rumors about a new summer tour in Europe.

The Statistics EDLIS agent has a page on BCS! Check it and read the latest news about the grammys and the golden albums. (revisited and updated) You can visit it clicking here or finding the agency on the EDLIS list

I have added another couple of search engines in the "Search the NET page"
Shareware.com and Altavista are on the list.

I a going to Rome BTW here's one new link for you. Bill Parr's Slow Train Page is now on the link list. Have a nice weekend!

Some new lyrical connections!

A link to the CD-Rom agency has been added to the Edlis list .

Andreas has just sent me a report about the Freewheelin sessions. Find out what's happened more than 30 years ago! I have divided the article in three parts. All the pages are in html format with several internal links to make the reading more pleasant.
I have added a new page that allows you to search the NET without leaving BCS. Last but not least the new address of the setlist agent in the EDLIS list.

The flu is back but it hasn't stopped me to add two more pics, and a contact sheet of the past pics. I have opened a gallery for the handmade drawings, caricatures and so on, made by artists or not.

I have added all the Lyrical Connections that Rob have sent me! What a work! A lot of new classes. The old ones are greatly expanded.

New categories added in the Lyrical Connections pages. I have a lot of new one and I'll add them as soon as I can!

New stuff in the Lyrical connection pages! Now there are several pages with various categories each. I'll add some cool drawings in the next few days. A new interview published on the Sun Sentinel, 29/9/95 has beed added in the interview section.

The interview list of the '90s has been updated. I am working to the Lyrical connections and soon there will be new categories and something more!

A new link to the Christianity and Dylan agency home page in the EDLIS list and an interesting work made by Rob Zorn about Lyrical connections.

Another new EDLIS agent has been appointed! The Food & Drink agent! A new link to the "Who Has Which Boot Agency" from the EDLIS list. Another link added to the Jim Roemer's lyrics page. Great stuff!

A new EDLIS agent has been appointed! The Elson Gunn agent!!

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